Botox FAQ’s

Where can I use Botox®?
Botox® treats wrinkles caused by the dynamic action of muscles wrinkling up the skin. These include:
- frown lines between the eyebrows
- crow’s feet (wrinkles around the eyes)
- strong horizontal wrinkles in the forehead
- wrinkles around the mouth
- muscular bands in the front of the neck
- Lines on your neck and chest
- down turned mouths
- dimpled chins
In addition, BOTOX® may help with the marionette/puppet lines of the lower face, with jaw line definition, and to create the appearance of a thinner face on clients who have a wider jaw.
BOTOX® can also be used as a treatment for excess sweating, rosacea, acne and to smooth skin on the decollate (your chest area).
How long does Botox® last?
On average, about 3-4 months, but it depends on the dose used, the area treated, and the person’s metabolism.
How long does the treatment take?
The procedure is quick. Once your individual treatment plan is developed, the actual injection portion takes only 10-15 minutes.
How quick does it start to work?
Botox® starts to work within 1-5 days, but typically takes about 4 weeks to reach its peak of activity.
Does having Botox® hurt?
The injection does sting a little. With the use of a tiny needle and careful technique, most people tolerate it very well. If you are highly needle-phobic, let us know; special arrangements can be made.
Will Botox® make me numb?
No. Botox® has no effect on the sensory nerves. You’ll still have a normal sensation of the skin.
Will I still be able to make facial expressions?
The prefered treatment is to use Botox to calm down muscles, not to erase your individual expression. Believe me, people will still know if you are happy or angry. The goal is to ensure a natural, relaxed and well-rested result.
Does Botox® do the same thing as Restylane, Juvederm or other dermal fillers?
No. Fillers work by adding volume to the skin. Botox® works by stopping the nearby muscle from making the skin wrinkle. Often, we use them together for the best effect.
I’m an easy bruiser. What should I do?
You can help us by avoiding all medications that increase the risk of bruising. Avoid aspirin, motrin, alleve, other NSAID medications, as well as alcohol, vitamin E, and fish oils prior to your treatment. Even so, you may bruise with the injections. Allow yourself 10-14 days before a big social event to allow any bruises to fade. Pineapple juice and arnica montana are two products that decrease the duration of a bruise if one occurs.
Are there people who can’t have Botox treatments?
Yes. Botox® isn’t recommended if you are pregnant or nursing. Also, Botox® isn’t recommended for patients with certain neurological disorders, such as Myasthenia Gravis, ALS, and Lambert-Eaton syndrome.
Are there any creams that work as well as Botox®?
Not yet. People are researching this area, but no FDA-approved product is currently available. Most over-the-counter creams are nowhere near as effective as Botox®.